Contact Us

For NEW clients, the best way to reach us is by Email at Please include your first and last name in your email. Please allow 2 to 3 business days for a response. 

For returning clients, the best way to reach is by Text at 416-844-3700 or by Email at Please include your first and last  name in all messages. Responses and clinical reports are generally sent out on Mondays and Thursdays. 

Alternatively, you can Call us at  905-889-4962, or use the Email Contact Page below.

2 + 1 =

 If you have recently had a fever, chills, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing, runny nose, vomiting, or diarrhea – please delay your visit by at least 48 hours from the end of symptoms, and wear a mask within 10 days after the onset of symptoms. If you have recently tested positive for COVID, or been in close contact with someone who is ill, please delay your visit by at lease least 5 days from date of the positive test/date of contact, and please wear a mask within 10 days after the positive test/date of contact, even if you have no symptoms. Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000).

New Clients

New clients will start with an  Initial Assessment and a health history intake form. After the assessment we will book a Report/Plan of Care visit to review  findings, treatment recommendations,  and self-care guidelines. We can also book a Chiropractic treatment session on the same day. To book an Initial Assessment, please  email us at and include your full name and  phone number in the email. Initial Assessment appointments are not available on Saturdays.  Online booking is available for returning clients only, for regular chiropractic sessions only.

We are a fragrance-free office for the comfort of all our clients and staff.

Returning Clients

Returning clients can book online: Online booking is not available for new clients; please contact the office directly.

If you are returning for care after an accident, a significant change in health, or a gap in care of 6 months or more, please contact the office directly for help with booking. Use the text number or email address or contact form above.